Wednesday, 4 March 2009

the heads of state, designs 2

i really like the fresh feeling of using screen printing. in terms of this design i was thinking how the tree connects all it's branches and that we could do something that uses the tree but it is connected to a building to signify the connection from country to city. also the leaves could be phones or even type that Say's things such as what people would say in text messages.

this print gave me the idea of making the o in o2 link with things or how objects could link for example two objects that fit together (connect) such as key and lock or boat and paddle and see if these ideas could be merged.

this piece is really simple and i thought that we could do something like attach a person to an aeroplane or illustrate things that show people trying to connecting by using day to day transport but interacting it as a balloon that people are attached too. or the flower could be replaced by a phone etc.
this is an advert for the band beck i think the idea is really clever repeating the letters etc. also i like how the whole design fills the page and the style it's done in interests and draws people into it. my ideas steaming from this is that how we connect using buttons on phones or key board keys that could display thins like "trainshopping" like in the vodafone ads.

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